Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Screening at Wildrose a great Success - Video of Beth Kruse ARNP

Please enjoy this video of our recent screening at the Wildrose. 

Why is it important for women who are lesbian, bisexual, transgender/sexual and queer (LBTQ) to be regularly screened for breast and cervical cancers?

Women who are LBTQ have higher risks of breast and cervical cancers than heterosexual women. They’re also more likely to have lower incomes and be uninsured or under-insured, making them less likely to be screened. YWCA Women’s Health Outreach holds two mobile screening events each year to provide these critical services to women who are LBTQ in our community.  December 10, 2011 Program Manager Ingrid Berkhout and Health Access and Volunteer Coordinator Samantha Tripoli joined up with the Wild Rose bar, Swedish Medical Center and Beth Kruse, ARNP, to screen 19 women!
Watch this video below to hear the stories of LBTQ women, volunteers and health care provider Beth Kruse!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

World AIDS Day is today December 1st

Today is World AIDS Day! As this year marks the 30th anniversary of the emergence of AIDS, please consider donating $30 or ($300!) to BABES Network-YWCA today!

Women in the BABES Network are mothers, sisters, grandmothers, daughters, partners and wives who believe that World AIDS Day should be every day.
We hope you’ll join us in honoring a woman you know who’s living with HIV or celebrate the memory of someone you have lost by making a gift to BABES today. 
This year, due to massive cuts in federal funding, BABES Network lost an overwhelming amount of our yearly budget.  Therefore, gifts from supporters like you are more important than ever for us to continue our work to help women who depend on us for a healthy future.   

Making a gift on World AIDS Day is easy! Simply visit our donation website and designate your gift to BABES.

Please take a moment today to share this message with your family and friends by asking them to “like” us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and donate!

We appreciate your continued support!

Nicole Price
Program Manager, BABES Network
A sisterhood of women facing HIV together
ywca of seattle - king - snohomish

Don’t forget to RT @samywca @ywBABES @katieywca

Count HIV+ Women In! Can We Count On You?  Want to get involved with the effective communications strategies of PWN? Join their national campaign  “Count Us In!”

LBTQ Health Fair will have a table at CSPC Winter Vendor Fair on Saturday, December 3rd

It is time for the CSPC Winter Vendor Fair and we will be there to talk with folks about the upcoming LBTQ Health Screening at the Wildrose on December 10th from 9am - 3pm.  We look forward to our spring screenings at CSPC that we hold yearly.  The vendor fair is a fabulous, fun and sexy opportunity to check out all kinds of gift ideas for your loved ones.  Stop by, say hi and shop, shop, shop!  

It's the CSPC Winter Vendor Fair!!

Saturday, December 03 12:00 PM - 05:00 PM
CSPC Everywhere, enter main space doors
Open to all 18+$5 suggested donation 

Let's get ready!! Time to SHOP!! It's the CSPC Winter Vendor Fair!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Rainbow Health Fair wants YOU for new Planning Committee

Rainbow Health Fair Needs You!

Dear Friends in Health:                                                                        
We are excited to be launching a planning committee for the 14th Annual Rainbow Health Fair and would like to invite you to be a member.  If you are passionate about the health and well being of the LBTQ community you are what we are looking for!  Please join us for an inspiring evening of brainstorming as we plan our next Health Fair.

The time commitment will be approximately one meeting a month in January, February, March, April and 2 meetings in May and June.  If you have motivation but not as much time, we still may find you a valuable member of the planning committee.  Access to email will be a plus.

Please join us:
Tuesday, December 6th, 2011 – 6:30pm
OutWest Bar
5401 California Avenue SW
(between Brandon St & Findley St)
Seattle, WA 98136

Please RSVP to Ingrid at lbthealth@ywcaworks.org.  We look forward to having you be part of this exciting team.

Ps. I think the way the world is going to have a day for people to get medical check- ups  by mostly peer-providers and other information for their overall well-being, is becoming more important than ever. So let’s make the 14th Rainbow Health Fair into an unforgettable event.  Please help spread the word!!

Thank you and be well,
Ingrid berkhout
Program Manager
Women’s Health Outreach
{p} 206.461.4493
{f}  206. 720.5901
1118 Fifth Ave Seattle,  WA  98101
give help. get help.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Webcast on Cancer and the LGBT Community - November 17th 9am

Register now for Public Health Live!

Cancer and the LGBT Community: Special Issues and Concerns

Free live webcast - November 17, 2011
9:00 am - 10:00 am - Eastern Time

Click here to register.
All of our webcasts are archived and available for free on our website
two weeks after the live program.

Stephanie Blank, MD
New York University School of Medicine
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Division of Gynecologic Oncology

Cristina Moldow, LMSW
Lesbian Cancer Initiative Coordinator
The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
Community Center of New York City

Approximately 10% of the population is estimated to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). This population exhibits higher rates of cancer-related morbidity and mortality due to certain risk behaviors, nulliparity, hormone use, changed body image following gender reassignment surgery and decreased access to preventive, screening and therapeutic services. Participants will receive an overview of the barriers to care encountered by members of the LGBT community affected by or at risk for cancer and information and resources to better address these barriers and provide culturally sensitive, appropriate services to this population. 

Download and share the promotional flyer.

Click here to register.
All of our webcasts are archived and available for free on our website
two weeks after the live program.

If you have any questions please contact Sue Brooks at
coned@albany.edu or 518-402-0330.

Thank you!

This program is offered in partnership with: The New York State Department of Health, Bureau of Chronic Disease Control, Cancer Survivorship Initiatives; the University at Albany, School of Public Health; The Lesbian, Gay Bisexual and Transgender Community Center of New York City; and The National LGBT Cancer Network

Friday, October 7, 2011

Wildrose Breast Cancer Memorial Wall October 7 - 11

We are gearing up for our next mobile mammography screening at the Wildrose on December 10th and are always pleased to see creative ideas that support women and breast health.  Sometimes Facebook says it best as is the case on the WildRose's page.

The Wildrose, Seattle’s premier Lesbian destination venue for over a quarter of a century is currently experiencing some construction. The floor typically used for the DJ booth and dance floor has been overtaken with a false wall which shields the construction activities and allows the joint to stay open for business. A side-effect of this is a huge plywood wall. The ladies at The Wildrose have dreamt up a brilliant use for this wall! Starting tomorrow (Friday, October 7), this wall will become “The Wildrose Breast Cancer Memorial Wall”.

The wall will be painted over in solid pink, and from tomorrow at 6PM until Tuesday (October 11) at close, patrons, Breast Cancer supporters and survivors and everyone in between will be able to come to The Wildrose and contribute to “The Wildrose Breast Cancer Memorial Wall”. Participants can contribute a name of someone precious to them who has passed, a thought relevant to the Breast Cancer struggle, or a note of hope for those immersed in the Breast Cancer battle. It’s all welcome! There will also be a donation box at the wall where people who can afford to can leave donations. On Tuesday at closing time, The Wildrose will collect the box, count the donations, MATCH the donations, and all donations will go to Gilda’s Club.

You would think that would be enough, but that’s not all! After Tuesday, when the deadline for contributions to the wall has come to pass, the wall will be painted over in clear coat in order to preserve what is there. When the walls come down, they will be stored until it’s time for Gay Pride. They will be erected again, perhaps with additional panels, in the famous Wildrose Beer Garden. People will again be able to contribute and add to “The Wildrose Breast Cancer Memorial Wall”. This will become an annual component to the programming of Wildrose’s Pride festivities. Eventually, all of the fencing erected to secure the area that makes up The Wildrose Beer Garden will proudly display this living memorial. The ladies at The Wildrose couldn’t think of a prettier sight.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The American Cancer Society provides Cancer Facts & Figures including Gynecologic Cancer figures as quoted from 2007.  You can find this information at
http://www.cancer.org/docroot/stt/stt_0.asp as well as many Cancer facts on this website.  While a cancer diagnoisis can be scary gathering good information as well as excellent support is vital in the recovery process. 

 Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month Fact Sheet
                               Commonly Asked Questions
  • What are gynecologic cancers?
Gynecologic cancers are the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells
originating in the female reproductive organs, including the cervix, ovaries, uterus,
fallopian tubes, vagina, and vulva.

  • What causes gynecologic cancers?
There are many factors that cause gynecologic cancers.  Medical research has
discovered that some classes of genes, called oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes
promote the growth of cancer.     The abnormal function of these genes can be acquired
(e.g., through smoking, aging, environmental influences) or inherited.  Almost all
cervical cancers and some cancers of the vagina and vulva are caused by a virus known
as HPV, or Human Papillomavirus.

  • Can gynecologic cancers be prevented?
Screening and self-examinations conducted regularly can result in the detection of
certain types of gynecologic cancers in their earlier stages, when treatment is more
likely to be successful and a complete cure is a possibility.  Diet, exercise, and lifestyle
choices play a significant role in the prevention of cancer.  Additionally, knowledge of
family history can increase the chance of prevention or early diagnosis by determining
if someone may have a gene which makes them susceptible to cancer

  • Who should treat gynecologic cancers?
Gynecologic cancers should be treated by a gynecologic oncologist.
A gynecologic oncologist is a board-certified obstetrician/gynecologist who has an
additional three to four years of specialized training in treating gynecologic cancers
from an American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology-approved program.             This
subspecialty program provides training in the biology and pathology of gynecologic
cancers, as well as in all forms of treatment for these diseases, including surgery,
radiation, chemotherapy and experimental treatments.

  • How are gynecologic cancers treated?
Gynecologic cancers are treated by using one or more of the following; surgery,
radiation therapy or chemotherapy . The choice of therapy depends on the type and
stage of the cancer.

  • Who is at risk?
Every woman is at risk for developing a gynecologic cancer.      It is estimated that there
will be about78,000 new cases diagnosed and approximately 28,000 deaths from
gynecologic cancers in the United States during 2007.1


Friday, September 16, 2011

A supportive environment makes a difference for health care services

We always appreciate feedback from those that attend any of our health screenings or fairs.  We want to make the experience the best possible for the attendees and the providers.  We received this letter from a peer provider that benefitted from the services in an unexpected way. 

I attended the Rainbow Health Fair this Gay Pride in 2011. I was a volunteer in my specialty, and enjoyed reaching out to the public in that way. I also experienced as a first-time presenter the support of a whole community of women who were supporting other women in becoming more healthy, and that was a beautiful thing. For myself, getting a blood sugar test in that supportive environment enabled me to take the news that I was in the early stages (or mild anyhow) of pre-diabetes in a good way, and do something about it. I was told that it was nothing losing 20 pounds couldn't fix, and that I could do it.
I have since intensified my workout at the gym and have lost (8-29, so two months later) 8 pounds and am not done yet. I feel much healthier and I also feel supported by a wonderful community of women who wish me well. The news that my blood sugar was questionable had previously been given to me by a clinic in a way which I did not find supportive or motivating to change or even clear.

Monday, August 22, 2011

August 31st Fundraiser for Susan G. Komen 3Day Walk

It's cabaret time for my Susan G. Komen 3Day Walk for the Cure team
The Half Racks!

Help us eradicate breast cancer while making sure each and every one of us meets our fund-raising goal.


What: A fun evening of song and poetry celebrating life!
When: August 31st at 7-8:30pm
Where: The Richard Hugo House 
1634 11th Ave in Capitol Hill (Seattle)
How Much: Pay-what-you-can
How do I get tickets: For $8 and higher, go to the following link (various pricing options to accommodate pay-what-you-can): https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/193346
If $8 is too much, please still come to support anyway - even $1 in the basket is $1 towards our goal! Make a reservation here: 206-328-4102.

Our Talent: Larry Albert, Laurie Bialik, Sheila Bordeaux w/ #1 groupie Peaches, Liz Diesner, Garnett Hundley & Beverly Daugherty, Old School (Nancy Haver, Brenda David * Maureen Warren), Sonia Perez with Omaldo Perez, Trace Peters, Pat Peterson, and Fiona & Delphine!

Thanks everyone. I hope to see you on the 31st! And please feel free to forward this email to your friends!

Hugs, Carolyn Dougherty (aka Hug-A-Rack)


PS if you can't make it on the 31st and would like to make a contribution, simply here.
I'm marching toward a new goal of $3,000.....

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Massage practice to aid with carpal tunnel and tendonitis

We welcome Amy Wolf as a guest contributor to our blog!  Those of you that attended this years health fair may have already met Amy.  She is passionate about the use of massage to improve overall health and treat specific problems.  This month Amy shares how massage can help with tendonitis and carpal tunnel.  Thank you Amy! 
Tendonitis and carpal tunnel are two overuse syndromes common here in Seattle where many people are on computers all day. They also occur frequently in any job which involves repetitive stress of the same muscles. Frequently, massage is not even mentioned as a possible treatment for these problems. Which is unfortunate, because therapeutic massage can reverse both of them, without surgery or cortisone injections, if they are caught early enough.
Tendonitis is a condition many think is irreversible because it hurts so much-it is not; there is a specific treatment protocol for it which works. Ditto for carpal tunnel syndrome. Don’t let anyone tell you that you need surgery without first exploring the more conservative option of treatment massage. The sooner these things are addressed
the higher the rate of recovery.
I feel strongly that many women end up on disability or pain meds or having surgery which is completely unnecessary because the medical community and the general public are not aware that a skilled massage therapist can reverse these syndromes.
Let me know if you want to know more… I am happy to explain the mechanics of carpal tunnel and why massage is the ideal treatment for it….too long to put here, but extremely

Amy Wolf, LMP Lic MA00005860

Friday, July 22, 2011

Lucie Blue Tremblay featured artist at OLOC gathering July 28th - 31st

Old Lesbians Organizing for Change (OLOC) has announced their first regional gathering with an artist that shares a cause that is near and dear to our hearts at YWCA's Women's Health Outreach.  Lucie Blue Tremblay is an outspoken advocate for breast cancer and has released Changes, a music video cd about how to do self breast exams to music.  

Lucie is part of The Breast Exam Project which travels the country sharing information on the importance of early detection.  We look forward to the opportunity to see Lucie Blue Tremblay!

Pacific Northwest Regional Gathering of OLOC,
July 28th -31st, 2011 in Tacoma, Washington
 Lillian Faderman, Keynote Speaker
We are proud to announce Lillian Faderman as our Keynote speaker for the Gathering. She is an award-winning author and historian who will speak to our theme: Community, Visibility and Action.
Lillian is an internationally-known scholar of lesbian history and literature, as well as ethnic history and literature. Her work has been translated into numerous languages. Among her many honors are six Lambda Literary Awards, two American Library Association Awards, and several lifetime achievement awards for scholarship. She lives in Fresno, California with her partner, Phyllis Irwin.

Lucie Blue Tremblay, Featured Artist
Lucie is a Canadian singer-songwriter who started performing when she was still a child. She taught herself guitar, and then the piano. Her first appearance in the United States was at the 1985 Michigan Womyn's Music Festival's Day stage singing a duet with another local favorite, Canadian singer-songwriter, Ferron.  If you don’t know Lucie’s music, you should!
We thank OLOC for this information.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

13th Annual LBTQ Health Fair a great success

We wish to thank all of the Peer Providers who were part of the health fair!  We received such positive feedback about the impact their services had for our community members.  We know many connections were made between the providers and attendees which is a big part of what the health fair is about.

We thank the ~70 plus attendees for taking the time to care for themselves and try new modalities we offered this year.  We appreciated the feedback and will be incorporating it into next years health fair.  We will share more about the health fair in the future weeks. 

We are starting a health fair advisory board and are looking for a mix of providers and participants.  Our goal is to grow the health fair while still intimately meeting the needs of our community.  If you are interested or have feedback to share, please contact Ingrid at iberkhou@ywcaworks.com.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Schedule of Events at the LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair

The Health Fair is about options!  We have an incredible group of dedicated Peer Providers that you can make appointments with throughout the day via their sign up sheets.  Enjoy a chair massage, have a Tarot Reading or talk with professionals about specific issues.  Plus we have opportunities for group involvement.

Take a peek at the schedule and plan your day around your interests.  This day is about YOU!

10:00am - 3:00pm  Music performance by Marla Nonkin on keyboards
10:30am - 11:00am Laughter Session with Ingrid Berkhout
11:15am - 11:45am  Chi Cong with Davida
12.00am - 1:00pm Theatre of the Oppressed with Lupita Patterson
1:15pm - 1:45pm Chi Cong with Davida
2.00pm Reading from Yogic Bliss followed by Yoga Breathing with Autumn Needles

Friday, June 24, 2011

The 13th Annual LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair is here - Saturday 6/25

The anticipation for the health fair has been great amongst those of us working on it. We have been preparing for your arrival and are just plain excited to welcome you.  Admittedly sleep has been a bit less with the anticipation as we have drawn closer to today. 

Each year Ingrid works tirelessly to improve upon the last year to ensure you have an experience that adds to your life in healthy ways.  We are grateful to our fabulous Peer Providers who have given of their time, expertise and energy.  Hopefully you will enjoy the services while making new friends and reconnect with friends you may not have seen for a while.  Community is so important to overall good health and we are honored to be a part of your lives.

We welcome your feedback and would love for you to share with us how the health fair has impacted your life.  We will publish your stories over the next couple months - so call or write to us (anonymity will be maintained upon request).  We thank each of you for spreading the word, bringing friends and spending part of your day with us.

Laughter is the best medicine according to Ingrid Berkhout

When was the last time you had a good belly laugh or laughed until you cried?  You may be surprised to learn that laughter has many more benefits than you may think.  It has been shown in some studies to strengthen your immune system, increase intellectual performance and be a natural stress releaser.  Even a small amount of laughing can add benefits for hours.  Laughing can trigger endorphines, balance blood pressure and ease pain.  It may even create a more positive attitude and improve sleep.  

If you have not laughed with Ingrid Berkhout, Program Manager of the Women's Health Outreach - you are in for a treat!  Ingrid will be leading a fabulous Laughter Session during our 13th Annual LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair.  She believes that laughing is no joke when it comes to the overall benefits one can receive from laughter. 

Join Ingrid at 10:30am - 11:00am on Saturday, June 25th for jaw aching, side splitting and knee slapping laughing. 

SugarPill is a sweet addition to the LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair

We are very excited to have SugarPill join us for the first time this year.  SugarPill is a modern twist on a traditional apothecary. They offer both medicinal and culinary herbs and spices, including an extensive collection of gourmet salts, house-made exotic spice blends and medicinal tea formulations.

Herbalist and proprietor Karyn Schwartz will be available to answer questions and assist you on your path to more vibrant health. They also feature a wide variety of cocktail bitters, local honey and preserves, fair trade teas, exquisite chocolates, caramels and luscious, natural skin and body care products to delight all of your senses.  Make sure you take a moment to check out all SugarPill has to offer.

Karyn Schwartz, Proprietor SugarPill
Apothecary * Culinary * Mercantile
206.322.7455 (PILL)
900 E. Pine St.
Seattle WA, 98122

Babeland supports 13th Annual LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair

They are many great things about Babeland including providing a comfortable, sleaze-free place to shop for sex toys and other adult items.  They have a knowledgeable staff, quality products, and a multitude of sexy workshops. Babeland's mission is as follows:  to promote and celebrate sexual vitality by providing an honest, open and fun environment. Encouraging personal empowerment, community education, and support for a more passionate world are key. Babeland has received numerous accolades for our unparalleled customer service in addition to being rated the best place to buy sex toys by numerous publications.

The Babeland staffer at the 13th annual LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair has a background in post-cancer sexuality and has presented to many local organizations about the importance of providing sexuality information during life changing events.  This is a great fit with our other Peer Providers to create a well rounded experience on Saturday.


Schedule of events at 13th Annual LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair

We are very excited about tomorrow's Health Fair and have scheduled events as well as the ability to talk with providers one-on-one! 
10:00am - 3:00pm  Music performance by Marla Nonkin on keyboards
10:30am -11:00am Laughter Session with Ingrid Berkhout
11:15am -11:45pm Chi Cong with Davida
12:00am -1:00pm Theatre of the Oppressed with Lupita Patterson
1:15pm - 1:45pm Chi Cong with Davida
2:00pm - 3:00pm Reading followed by Yoga/breathing with Autumn Needles
 Ongoing Opportunities to enhance your health with:
 Breast Health Education
 Personal Trainer/movement
 Heart Health/Cholesterol Check
 Seattle Counseling Services
 Energy Balancing (B.E.S.T)
Tarot readings
Heart Point Healing
 Amethyst Bio-Mat
 Laughter Session
 Susan G. Komen
Young Survival Coalition Seattle

Saving Lives By Increasing Early Detection - LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair

The Koreans Women's Association partners with Franciscan Health System to create the Breast Cancer Navigator Program. The Breast Cancer Navigator Program has served nearly 15,000 women since it began in 2005. The Navigator helps save lives by going out into the community; educating women about breast cancer and the need for screening. Offering free, culturally sensitive, language appropriate assistance to women from under served populations and helping them get mammograms, increasing early detection of breast cancer.
This program is funded through the generous donation of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation.  Doris Harris will be on hand at our 13th Annual LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair.

Doris L. Harris
Breast Cancer Navigator
Serving African American women and the LGBTQ community

Certified Personal Trainer adds meal planning to the workout

Tracey D Watkins is the owner of Your Place Of Fitness.  She has been a Certified Personal Trainer since 1998 and specializes in Post Rehab, General Conditioning, Weight loss and Meal Planning. She makes her home in Seattle and is part of Trancend Fitness (located on Capital Hill).  Check her out Saturday, June 25th at the LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair and maybe get motivated to start a new regime.

Massage therapists are a popular peer provider

Many members of our community look forward to the chair massage that is offered FREE at the LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair by our Peer Providers.  We have 3 massage therapists that will touch away any stress you are feeling.
Amy Wolf, LMP is a sole proprietor and has been licensed since 1992 in our lovely Washington State.  Prior to moving to Washington Amy studied in Santa Cruz, CA.  She is gifted both at muscle-specific treatment massage and subtle energy work.  Her philosophy supports spending energy on actual prevention in addition to focusing on early detection.  Eating a healthy diet and limiting smoking or drinking adds to overall health.  Amy understands that early detection is not prevention, and she feels the two messages can be confused.

Amy Wolf, LMP is a sole proprietor at Westwood Healing Arts providing licensed therapeutic massage for job-related injuries, repetitive stress conditions such as carpal tunnel and tendonitis, general relaxation, car accident injuries. We also provide Reiki healing and Reiki teachings and attunements, chakra healing, polarity therapy, soul retrieval, and clairvoyant readings.
Appointment only; two locations in West Seattle and Lake City.

Westwood Healing Arts on Facebook
206-349-9198 (no text)
7942 28th Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98126
10522 Lake City Way NE Seattle WA 98115
lic #MA00005860

Chi-Cong with Davida Wolf

1:15-1:45 Chi-Cong

Davida Wolf is a new Peer Provider and we are pleased to have Chi-Cong as part of our eclectic and wonderful line up.  In the simplest of terms Chi-Cong is a breathing exercise that originates from China.  There are many different ways to practice Ch-Cong and we are looking forward to Davida Wolf showing us her style and technique to better our health.  

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Hope Heart Institute provides Heart Healthy Services

Heart disease is the number one killer of women in the U.S. but in most cases, it is preventable!  We are so honored to have The Hope Heart Institute provide practical, hands-on, easy-to-understand information on maintaining a healthy heart at the 13th Annual LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair.  Additionally, The Hope is sponsoring cholesterol screenings through Screenpointe from 11:00-2:00.  Stop by their table and meet Kristen McHenry and get answers to your heart health questions. 

Kristen McHenry, CVA
Outreach & Volunteer Services Manager
The Hope Heart Institute
1380 112th Ave NE Suite 200
Bellevue, WA 98004
Office:  425.456.8751
Fax: 425.456.8701

Cathy Speelmon from Seattle Counseling Services

We are fortunate to have diversity in knowledge at the upcoming LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair.  If you or a loved one is having any issues with chemical dependency, mental health issues or wanting to quit smoking we have Cathy Speelmon from Seattle Counseling Services available to answer your questions. 
Cathy Speelmon is currently the Program Manager for Addiction Services at Seattle Counseling Service and an instructor in the Alcohol/Drug Studies Program at Bellevue College. Cathy has over twenty five years of experience providing chemical dependency services to both youth and adults in a variety of settings including inpatient, outpatient, school programs and mental health settings. She has expertise in working with LGBTQ individuals, HIV/AIDS, mental health, tobacco cessation, homeless youth and adults, harm reduction strategies and adult children of alcoholics. In addition to her work at Seattle
Counseling Service Cathy has a private practice where she provides individual counseling, couples counseling and consultation regarding addiction concerns.

Lois Thetford, a gifted Physician's Assistant shares her time on Saturday

I would encourage you to talk with Lois Thetford's, Physician's Assistant-Certified (PA-C) on Saturday during 12:30 to 2pm.  Lois has vast experience gleaned from over 35 years being a tireless advocate for the most needy in our community.  As a beloved founder of the 45th St. Clinic she has spent her career in Community Health.  Lois is currently passing on her knowledge by teaching Physician Assistants at the UW.  She continues to work in healthcare and particularly enjoys working with homeless youth providing necessary healthcare and co-ordination of health services.  Thank you Lois!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Amethyst Bio-Mat and Heart Point Healing

Dakara Kies is always a popular Peer Provider and this year will be no exception.  She is featuring Heart Point Technique which is a powerful, yet simple way to clear the blocks that are holding you back.  For those that love the Amethyst Bio-Mat, it will be featured by Maria Vallianatos an enjoyable return Peer Provider from last year.

Discover the power of tri-synergy with an Amethyst Bio-Mat.  Lay down on the Amethyst Bio-Mat which will release of stress, relieve pain and remove toxins, through far-infrared rays, negative ions and amethyst quartz.  For more information visit http://detoxmat4you.com/  425-244-0841 or 425-267-9738.
Dakara Kies
HPT Certified Energy Healer & Inspiration Coach
What is Heart Point Technique? HPT is a powerful, yet simple way to clear the blocks that are holding you back. What would you like to get inspired about? Tap into the deepest wisdom of your heart and set your body mind and spirit free!
Heart Point Healing – Mini healing sessions offered on the half hour.

Stretching techniques taught by Tamara the Trapeze Lady

Who better to learn stretching techniques from but Tamara the Trapeze Lady?  If you have ever seen any of the fabulous Tamara's shows you know that she is flexible, strong and an amazing preformer.  She is joining us for the first time at the Health Fair although she has held fundraisers for Women's Health Outreach in the past.  We can all benefit from techniques she learned in her years of preforming experience that require she be in the most vigorous shape.
Tamara started her aerial education in 1989 with famed Seattle choreographer and inventor Robert Davidson. She has participated in classes and workshops at the San Francisco Circus Center, the Aerial Dance Festival in Boulder, Colorado and Seattle's own U.M.O. Ensemble and continues to explore aerial techniques featuring two point static and single point trapeze, tissu, sling and harness work on rope and bungee. Her movement background includes Ballet, modern and Jazz with a high emphasis on improv.
Tamara the Trapeze Lady

Autumn Needles returns to LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair

Rainbow Health Fair is delighted to have local author and yoga instructor Autumn Needles join us again this year to read from her book, Yogic Bliss and Sexual Healing!  She will read an excerpt and lead a FREE workshop from 2pm - 3pm on basic yoga breathing practices, or pranayama.  Last year Autumn's reading was a hot hit!
2pm - 3pm Basic Yoga Breathing Practices - Pranayama

Autumn will offer a reading from her book as well as instruction in basic yoga breathing practices, or pranayama, which require no special props or clothing and can be done anywhere by anyone.  Pranayama is an easy to learn but profoundly effective practice which can help support and sustain the body during everyday life, as well as during periods of stress or ill health.

Autumn Needles, RYT, owner of HomeBodyYoga, began practicing yoga at age 12 for its physical healing properties and was hooked by its calming and centering effects as well as for its integrative life philosophy.  She received her yoga instructor certification from the Nosara Yoga Institute in 2006 and has been teaching ever since.  She offers private yoga sessions tailored to your needs and specializes in adapting traditional yoga practices to the requirements of each person.

Regular classes are currently only available at LAFitness, but she periodically offers specialized workshops focusing on particular aspects of yoga practice and philosophy.  She recently authored a book, Yogic Bliss and Sexual Healing, available now through Fanny Press and on Amazon.com, which draws on her background in yoga philosophy, her perspective on sex and sexuality and her own life experiences.

Professional contact info:


Autumn Needles



Young Survival Coalition at LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair

While we will be offering mammograms for women over 40 years old at this weekends Health Fair we also offer resources for those under 40 years old facing breast cancer.  The Young Survival Coalition will have 2 volunteers available to provide information and answer your questions.  They will be with us for the entire 10am-3pm to accomodate your schedule.

Young Survival Coalition is the premier global organization dedicated to the critical issues unique to young women & breast cancer. Together, we are a powerful community fighting breast cancer in young women. We offer direct support services, resources, connections & outreach so women feel  empowered & hopeful. We believe no woman diagnosed under age 40 should be left to face breast cancer alone.
The Seattle Affiliate was formed in 2002 by a group of young survivors turned volunteers and advocates. Since then we are proud to have served over 130 young women with breast cancer in the Puget Sound region. For many, this is their first opportunity to connect with other young survivors. We provide support during the difficult times of diagnosis or recurrence, surgery and recovery and help women to gradually process their experience and find their “new normal.”

1400 Broadway Ave East
Seattle, WA 98122
866.541.1972 x4
Young women facing breast cancer together.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Seattle Counseling Services is a community mainstay

Seattle Counseling Service (SCS) is beginning its fourth decade of service in our community.  Cathy Speelmon from SCS will be on hand at the LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair to answer any questions you may have about their services.  Cathy will be available for the entire Health Fair which we greatly appreciate! 
Seattle Counseling Service is a unique resource for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities. We have experienced counselors to help you navigate the path to recovery and wellness. When you, your partner/family member, or other loved one are facing a life crisis or significant transition, suffering from depression or anxiety, want to build better relationships, are dealing with the affects of abuse or trauma or struggling with addiction, we can help.
We are committed to providing the highest quality care in an atmosphere free from judgment, fear and discrimination. And because we believe that a person's ability to pay should not determine his or her access to services, we have a sliding fee scale, accept Medicaid and many insurance plans and have procured grants and donations to increase access to services.
Telephone/TTY: (206) 323-1768
FAX: (206) 323-2184
Email: info@seattlecounseling.org
Address: 1216 Pine Street, Suite 300
                      Seattle, WA 98101
Office Hours:
Monday thru Thursday open 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. (some sessions run later). Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Susan G Komen sponsors LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair

Susan G Komen has always been a huge supportor of our community and again is a sponsor of the LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair.  We very much appreciate their support as it enables us to serve our community in more ways.  We will have 3 volunteers from Susan G Komen to explain their services, breast cancer prevention and awareness.  Come with your questions as they are very well educated on the many topics.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Anti oppression skills taught using Theater techniques

As part of the Rainbow Health Fair we offer different ways to look at the same situation.  Lupita Patterson fits into this model perfectly!  She uses her skill combined with her BA in acting and theater to teach tools around LGBTQ issues, domestic violence, sexual assault, and anti oppression issues.  Her business offers diversity, anti oppression training and workshops.  Additionally, she produces plays and videos for community use and educational soap operas. 

Lupita Patterson
Theater of the Oppressed
Workshops and Trainings

Musical Offering at LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair

Marla S. Nonken has been a musician for over 40 years and she is presently on a journey which her music is reflecting.
Playing guitar, piano, electric keyboards, and percussion gives me opportunities to further delve into diverse tones, musical forms, sounds, volumes, body movements, and inner clarity...
Marla is glad that the Rainbow Health Fair continues it's once a year event and will be playing music for our enjoyment throughtout the day.  Thank you Marla!
Marla S. Nonken
Songwriter and Performer
Dyke/Disability Activist

Friday, June 17, 2011

Emerald Gate Acupuncture 12:00-3:00pm, open for treatment

We are pleased to have Lorrie Wallace & Renee Benedict, Licensed Acupuncturists in the Five Element Tradition joining us for the health fair. They have practices in the Wallingford neighborhood and are looking forward to giving treatments for rest and relaxation – especially good for those of us with stress-filled lives.

Renee Benedict
Lorrie Wallace
Licensed Acupuncturists
Emerald Gate Acupuncture2319 N. 45th St., Suite 201
Seattle, WA 98103
(206) 682-1512
Blog: http://EmeraldGate.wordpress.com

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Women's Health Issues will be addressed at LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair

There are so many of us that are of the age that information about Bio Identical Hormones is important to understand.  We are pleased to welcome Michelle Obertacz, ND, EAMP who will share the top foods and herbs for women's health and Bio Identical Hormone information.  She also will do tongue and pulse diagnosis, blood pressure readings, and information on all services!

Michelle Obertacz, ND, EAMP
Northwest Holistic Medicine
409 15th Ave E
Seattle, WA 98112
(206) 226-8418

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Delish Food enhances LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair

Events often are remembered by the snackage that is nibbled upon while visiting with others.  I know I am still thinking about the yummy cinnamon buns from last years LBTQ Health Fair.  I am happy to announce Mae's Cafe will be supplying us again this year with coffee cake and cinnamon buns!  If you have not had a Jeanne Barwick cinnamon bun, I encourage you to try one either at the Health Fair or at Mae's Cafe in the Phinney Ridge area.

At the LBTQ Health Fair we are all about inclusion and Katie Zimmerman of Dykes with Knives does this with flair by providing food that is yummy, nutritious and  has vegetarian options.  She made individual wraps last year that were easy to eat while wandering about. We are very fortunate to recieve these gifts form Jeanne and Katie.  We all benefit when community members extend themselves to help others with the gifts they have.

Jeanne Barwick
Coffee cake, cinnamon buns; need to order in advance

Katie Zimmerman
Dykes with Knives
Snack trays

Monday, June 13, 2011

Expect B.E.S.T. Treatment at the LBGT Rainbow Health Fair

We want those who attend the LBGT Rainbow Health Fair to have the B.E.S.T. experience.  Linda Rasmussen will be sharing Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique (B.E.S.T.), "a powerful, non-force, energy balancing procedure, to reestablish the full healing potential of the body using its natural healing abilities."

A wide variety of conditions have been eliminated or significantly improved through this technique. This is a uniquely private therapy: clients do not need to divulge their emotional or health concern to the Practitioner.

Linda Rasmussen is a B.E.S.T. Elite Master. She provides private treatment and offers a variety of training and talks to create greater understanding of wellness and the power of the mind to create health or disease. Ms. Rasmussen teaches Family and Emergency B.E.S.T. technique workshops so friends and family can assist each other outside of
treatment appointments.
Linda Rasmussen
Certified B.E.S.T. Practitioner
Living Well
Urban WorkLofts
918 S Horton, #808, Seattle WA 98134

Friday, June 10, 2011

Tarot Readings at the 13th Annual LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair

We pride ourselves on having a range of modalities at the annual LBGT Rainbow Health Fair.  We are pleased to be offering tarot readings by talented Bev Bryant.  Thank you Bev for joining our team of Peer Providers!   

Bev Bryant fell in love with the mysteries and secrets of the Tarot over 20 years ago making it her forever study. She has been reading Tarot Cards professionally for over 15 years.

Tarot readings can help give guidance and be used for decision-making and guidance in financial matters, relationships or careers.

Bev is also a Hypnotherapist. She has 3 CD’s, Weight Control, Relaxation and Bruxism, (teeth grinding). She is a Minister and does Weddings.

Please visit Bev’s website at: TarotReaderBev.vpweb.com
Or call Bev at: 425-238-7894

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Massage Practioners have the touch at the Rainbow Health Fair

We will be highlighting Peer Providers over the next couple weeks and provide an opportunity to get to know them while whetting your appetite for their services.  Massage is always popular and especially so when it feels so fabulous and is FREE!  It is a perfect opportunity to check out a massage therapist's techniques while enjoying the relaxation and stress release they offer!

Zoë Abigail Bermet and Erica Black are 2 of the massage therapists that will be relaxing you with intuitive touch at the upcoming Health Fair on Saturday, June 25th!  Stay tuned for additional information on Carrie Nelson our other massage therapist(s) in a future post. 

Zoë provides caring, intuitive massage that is individually tailored to each clients needs.  Sessions may be focused on treating a specific issue or aimed at providing general relaxation and stress reduction.  She can work light or deep depending on the clients needs.  Zoë generally uses a combination of Swedish massage and myofascial techniques, but also incorporate cranio-sacral, somatic unwinding, and trigger point release.

Zoë Abigail Bermet, LMP
Therapeutic Massage for Women (LGBT friendly)
(206) 349-1355

Two locations: South Lake Union near REI and North Lake Union by Gasworks Park.

Erica Black
Cell (404) 271-1008

I am Erica, soon to be your body's new best friend.  I love helping people get relief from pain, stress, old nagging issues, injuries and other life challenges.  I believe that giving your body regular care through massage is a vital ingredient in the recipe for health!  I am an independent business owner and operator, which allows me to cater to my clients personally!  I look forward to working with you and earning your trust and business for many years to come.  
I have over seven years of experience as an LMP. I practice in and around the Seattle area, with clients as far away as Olympia and Cle Elum. Most of my practice is focused around offering high quality bodywork in my clients home. I do offer incall locations if you'd prefer to come to me. As well I offer Chair Massage for office settings. My rates vary on location and type of work. Your best action is to call or email me for a quote!
The survey says that this may be the best massage of your life!
Namaste, Erica

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

13th Annual LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair - save June 25th!

Experience an exciting diversity of complimentary peer health services intended to empower and encourage our community members at the 13th Annual LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair.  On Saturday, June 25th peer providers will share their services including acupuncture, massage, Trager, energy healing, personal trainers, tarot readings, safer sex, cholesterol checks and a wonderful laughter session provided by our own Ingrid.  These are just some of the services that will be provided!  

The Swedish Breast Center Mammography Coach will partner on-site for low or no-cost mammograms for income eligible individuals 40 and over (insurance is accepted also).  To make a mammogram appointment call 206.436.8623. 

Saturday, June 25th
10am - 3pm 
Gilda’s Club 
1400 Broadway
Seattle 98122

We are so excited with the peer offerings that will be available at the 13th Annual Rainbow Health Fair.  If you have not been before, you are in for a day of learning new ways to take care of yourself.  If you are returning for another year, you will recognize some of our beloved providers and benefit from the new providers joining us.  Stay tuned for additional information!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Do you need to worry about having a heart attack?

We would like to thank our first contributor to our blog, Cherie Skager, Vice President of Education and Outreach at The Hope Heart Institute.  She will share vital information on heart health, especially as it relates to women.  We look forward to her future posts and the information she has to share with us! 

Knowing the signs and symptoms of a heart attack and responding quickly can save your life.

If you are like me (and 90% of all women), you have one or more risk factors for heart disease. I am thrilled to join this health blog to provide information about improving your heart health. For this first post, let’s focus on what to do if you or a loved one is experiencing a heart attack. Don’t think it can happen to you? Think again.

Every 90 seconds, a woman in the United States has a heart attack

More than 10,000 women younger than 45 have a heart attack every year

Heart disease is the single leading cause of death for American women

Common symptoms of a heart attack may include pain in the chest, arms, back, neck,or stomach; shortness of breath; cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness. Women can experience symptoms of heart attack differently, and often report flu-like symptoms with no chest pain. Many women who have had heart attacks reported that they felt 'unusual'.

Seeking immediate medical assistance can mean the difference between life and death. The sad reality is that women take 2-4 hours longer than men to respond to symptoms of heart attack. In a recent health survey, only 53% of women said they would call 9-1-1 if they were experiencing symptoms of a heart attack. The rest said that they would call a friend or drive themselves to the ER, thus delaying treatment. (Remember - treatment works best if given within 1 hour of when heart attack symptoms begin.)

If you experience heart attack symptoms or think you're having a heart attack, call 9-1-1 immediately. Don't drive yourself to the emergency room. You know your body better than anyone. Trust your instincts and don’t be afraid to call 9-1-1.

Cherie Skager, MA, MNPL
Vice President of Education and Outreach
The Hope Heart Institute
1380 112th Ave NE Suite 200
Bellevue, WA 98004
Office:  425.456.8741
Fax: 425.456.8701

fb-email twitter-email blogger-email  youtube-email

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Looking for a few good volunteers

Have you been to our fabulous LBTQ Rainbow Health Fair that takes place Pride weekend?  Have you thought...'I would love to volunteer and help put on this fun peer provider event?'  Or perhaps this would be your first time attending and you want to feel a 'part of".
If so, we want and need you for our Rainbow Health Fair Committee!

There are numerous tasks that we need help with and are sure to match them with your skill set.  If you are interested, contact Ingrid at LBThealth@ywcaworks.org or call Ingrid 206.436.8671.
Best of health to you!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Have you had a mammogram lately? Opportunity at May 3rd Mobile Mammography Screening

The YWCA LBTQ Health, part of the Women’s Health Outreach, together with the CSPC is organizing a mobile mammogram screening on Tuesday May 3rd, 2011 between 10.00 and 4.00 pm. The 65 foot coach from Swedish Comprehensive Breast center will be there with state of the art digital mammography.  You have complete privacy and excellent one-on-one services.

We screen people 40 and over, for early detection of breast cancer, which saves lives. NO Insurance NO problem, we have a great program via the WA Breast and Cervical Health Program, which provides a pap test, physical breast exam and a mammogram.

Please contact LBThealth@ywcaworks.org or call Ingrid 206.436.8671 for information and/or an appointment.

Ingrid Berkhout
program manager
women’s health outreach
{p} 206.436.8671
{f}  206.436.8620
2024 3rd Ave Seattle,  WA  98121

Monday, April 11, 2011

Join the fight! Participate in a breast cancer research study!

The Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation and the Avon Foundation for Women, a global leader in breast cancer research, joined forces to launch the Love/Avon Army of Women. It is their goal to recruit one million healthy women of every age and ethnicity, including breast cancer survivors and women at high-risk for the disease, to partner with breast cancer researchers and directly participate in the research that will eradicate breast cancer once and for all.

The Army of Women is currently recruiting Black/African American women living in the United States who are newly diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time (stage I, II, or III) to participate in a study. This study will look at why there are differences in breast cancer treatment experiences between Black/African American women and White/European American women in the United States - this study is called "Protocol for Narrowing the Gap in Adjuvant Therapy," or the Gap Study.

African American women are more likely to die of breast cancer than Caucasian women, even though fewer African American women are getting breast cancer each year and screening use has improved. This difference has gotten worse over the past 20 years. This Gap Study was designed to gather the information needed to better understand the differences in breast cancer treatment experiences between Black/African American Women and White/European American Women. The researchers want to know more about how to improve the survival rates of women with breast cancer.

Participants in the Gap Study will be asked to complete a 30-40 minute telephone survey about your health related experiences and to allow your medical records to be reviewed by the doctor. If you are interested in participating in this study or know someone who might be, please visit the Army of Women website. Or, if you think you might be eligible for other studies, please take a look at other current projects.

The Army of Women is dedicated to representing all women in research so that the research results will apply to all women. They encourage all women to get involved. Breast cancer has been around for decades, but it does not have to be our future. We can be the generation that stops breast cancer once and for all by figuring out what causes this disease and how to prevent it! This is YOUR chance to be part of the research that will end breast cancer.

Excerpted from Health Access - YWCA with permission.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

NW LGBT Senior Care Providers Network Meeting - Friday March 25th

Vincent Lachina from Seattle Multi-Faith Works will speak this Friday at the monthly meeting of the NW LGBT Senior Care Providers Network that has been meeting for over a year.  The meetings started strong and have continued to increase in size and passion for networking regarding LGBT elder issues.  All are invited to attend and benefit from these meetings that rotate locations and are on the LBTQ Health - YWCA calendar on the 4th Fridays. 

Friday, March 25th, 2011

Fred Lind Manor

1802 17th Ave. Seattle, WA 98122

9:00- 10:30 A.M.


Our Guest Speaker is Vincent Lachina – Seattle Multi-Faith
Works and outreach to the LGBT Community

The aging process is difficult for everyone, but for our Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual & Transgender (LGBT) seniors the perception of availability for resource and understanding amongst Senior Care providers can be very frustrating. In many cases resulting in forcing our LGBT Seniors to conceal who they are, often leading to a decrease in quality of life. It has become clear that there is a need for Healthcare providers who wish to outreach and care for LGBT Seniors to tighten their communication bridge, and work together to provide a better quality of care for the LGBT Seniors of Washington State.

We would like to thank Kristen Happe and the Team at Fred Lind Manor for hosting the March Meeting. We would also like to remind you that if you are interested in hosting a future meeting or have any questions about the March meeting, please let Tiffany Kopec know at (206)-714-6130 or on email at tkopec@chcservices.com.

Parking – There is available parking at The Polish Home parking lot located at 1714 18th Ave about ½ block away.

If you have already been attending the meetings, we encourage you to bring a guest or pass the information on to others!

This meeting is open to any and all that are interested!  Questions can be emailed to David Haack davidh@mercuryrx.com.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Old Lesbians Organizing for Change (OLOC) announces July conference

OLOC Presents: 
A Regional Gathering of Old Lesbians
July 28-31, 2011 in Tacoma, WA
The theme is Community • Visibility • Action.

Keynote Speaker: Lillian Faderman

Award-Winning Author and Lesbian Historian

Entertainer: Lucie Blue Tremblay

French-Canadian Singer Songwriter
for registration information and more details,

Welcoming Old Lesbians from all over, but especially designed for women from the 
Pacific Northwest.

253-777-3425 (messages)

The 2011 Regional OLOC Gathering will take place at the LaQuinta Inn & Suites in Tacoma, WA, July 28 - 31. It is structured similarly to a national OLOC gathering.  The event will begin Thursday evening with a welcome and a special program.  Friday morning kicks off with a keynote speech by award-winning author and lesbian historian Lillian Faderman (www.lillianfaderman.net).

Friday and Saturday will be filled with panel discussions, group discussions, presentations and workshops. Friday evening there will be local entertainers and a dance. Saturday evening there will be a banquet and concert.  Lucie Blue Tremblay will be our entertainer for the evening www.luciebluetremblay.com. The event will continue with a program on Sunday morning and conclude by 1 pm. Come prepared to have a good time, learn, share, reconnect with old friends and make new ones.

Our headquarters will be the LaQuinta Inn & Suites in Tacoma. They have offered us a $99/night plus tax room rate for 1-4 in a room with 2 doubles or a king bed (king rooms also have a sleeper sofa). A continental breakfast is included. To get this rate you MUST CALL to make the reservation. The rates are available several days before and after the event as well.

Small refrigerators and microwaves are standard in king rooms and by special request for doubles. Call 253-383-0146 direct and press 6, front desk. (A word of advice: Don’t press #4 for reservations!) Tell them you are with the OLOC Regional Gathering. Or, call 866-527-1498 day-time (EST) only and reference this number: 0685GRLIFQ. If you ask for a handicap room and they say they’re all booked, clarify that all the handicap rooms are being held for our group.

A modest amount of funds has been raised for the purpose of assisting lesbians who could otherwise not attend the 2011 Regional Gathering. Priority will be given to women from within the region (which is defined as Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and British Columbia) but women from outside that area may be able to get funds to cover registration fees. If you would like to apply, please access the forms at www.psoloc.org.  OLOC will take assistance applications until May 1. Applicants will be notified of the outcome by May 20. These early deadlines will enable you to finalize your plans as early as possible.

Thanks to OLOC for this information.