We wish to thank all of the Peer Providers who were part of the health fair! We received such positive feedback about the impact their services had for our community members. We know many connections were made between the providers and attendees which is a big part of what the health fair is about.
We thank the ~70 plus attendees for taking the time to care for themselves and try new modalities we offered this year. We appreciated the feedback and will be incorporating it into next years health fair. We will share more about the health fair in the future weeks.
We are starting a health fair advisory board and are looking for a mix of providers and participants. Our goal is to grow the health fair while still intimately meeting the needs of our community. If you are interested or have feedback to share, please contact Ingrid at iberkhou@ywcaworks.com.
A health fair is a opportunity to highlight internal activities that are happening for womens wellness.