We welcome Amy Wolf as a guest contributor to our blog! Those of you that attended this years health fair may have already met Amy. She is passionate about the use of massage to improve overall health and treat specific problems. This month Amy shares how massage can help with tendonitis and carpal tunnel. Thank you Amy!
Tendonitis and carpal tunnel are two overuse syndromes common here in Seattle where many people are on computers all day. They also occur frequently in any job which involves repetitive stress of the same muscles. Frequently, massage is not even mentioned as a possible treatment for these problems. Which is unfortunate, because therapeutic massage can reverse both of them, without surgery or cortisone injections, if they are caught early enough.
Tendonitis is a condition many think is irreversible because it hurts so much-it is not; there is a specific treatment protocol for it which works. Ditto for carpal tunnel syndrome. Don’t let anyone tell you that you need surgery without first exploring the more conservative option of treatment massage. The sooner these things are addressed
the higher the rate of recovery.
I feel strongly that many women end up on disability or pain meds or having surgery which is completely unnecessary because the medical community and the general public are not aware that a skilled massage therapist can reverse these syndromes.
Let me know if you want to know more… I am happy to explain the mechanics of carpal tunnel and why massage is the ideal treatment for it….too long to put here, but extremely