Tuesday, May 26, 2015

17TH Rainbow Health Fair, Sat. June 27th, 2015

Rainbow Health Fair: free, fun, safe and queer!!


We are so excited to host the 17th annual Rainbow Health Fair on Saturday, June 27, from 1-4pm at All Pilgrims Church on Broadway and Republican at the Capitol Hill Pride Festival. At the Rainbow Health Fair, we create a safe space where people of all genders and sexualities are served by LBTQ-friendly providers and treated with respect.


Our vision:

A world where people of all genders and sexualities have access to the resources they need for optimal wellness.
  • Free mammograms, for uninsured individuals.  Insurance is accepted.
  • Call for an appointment 206.461.4493
  • Free pap test and chest/breast exam for all ages and genders.
  • Free massages and acupuncture etc.
  • Free car tips and self defense
  • Free snacks and water
  • Lots of great information for your health and wellbeing.
  • OrcaLift, insurance enrollment and info

       !! Win a raffle prize like tickets for SIFF, The Storm, Babeland etc.!!

free, fun, safe and queer!!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

LGBT Health Care Bill of Rights


LGBT health disparities will not be finished overnight.

Corey Prachniak was the instigator for a document that would explain to LGBT people what they should expect when they see a medical provider, what rights protect their access to quality care, and what they can do if they are wronged. And we based it all on one starting principal that, while simple, is also critical in our collective fight for justice:
Queer people are not receiving quality health care, and they deserve to be.

Our lives matter, our bodies matter, and our sexualities and genders matter. They matter to us, and they should matter to our providers to inform and improve care. It starts with education, and if we can't educate every doctor, nurse, and administrator in the country, we can at least educate ourselves.

Here is the link to this so important article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/corey-prachniak/lgbt-healthcare-bill-of-rights_b_6171016.html?utm_hp_ref=lgbt-wellness

Follow Corey Prachniak on Twitter: www.twitter.com/LGBTadvocacy   


Friday, January 9, 2015

Know your rights

As we begin the new year and consider how we want to live in 2015, it’s a great idea to consider how you want your health to be and any new health care changes coming your way. Maybe you would like to speak with a counselor about stress in your life, are expecting a new baby in the family, or are due for your first mammogram this year.
We meet with medical professionals for help and trust their expertise. But it’s also important to know your rights when it comes to your health care. HealthCare.gov shares information with us about new rights and protections we all have, thanks to the Affordable Care Act.
How the health care law protects you
Here some additional rights and benefits, and information on how to protect yourself from fraud when you apply for insurance:
On top of what HealthCare.gov outlines as protections in the Affordable Care Act, there are protections and rights that directly support people who identify as LGBTQ. In 2014, LGBT HealthLink partnered with PROMO Missouri and lawyer Corey Prachniak to create the Healthcare Bill of Rights - a short document summarizing LGBTQ rights in the healthcare world now.
The creators of the Healthcare Bill of Rights write:
Your personal life and relationships affect your health more than you realize, so your doctor and other providers need to know your story.
We should all feel safe talking about our sexual partners, sex lives, sexual orientation, HIV status, and gender identity.
  • Learn how to file a complaint if you’ve faced discrimination.
  • See how you can find a medical provider who will respect your rights and identity.
  • Read how you can plan for your future care with a healthcare power of attorney.

Read the Healthcare Bill of Rights here

Learn more about the Healthcare Bill of Rights and its history here. And if you want your very own copy of the Healthcare Bill of Rights, check out the different versions available here